Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
August 2023

I can’t believe it is August. I need to squeeze in another summer, this one is flying by so quickly.

For the past few weeks, I have been working primarily on preparing installation sections for the back ramp gallery space. Every project I pull out to organize takes me to an earlier time in AMP’s history. I remember the states we visited, fabulous artists, teachers, and mentors who worked with us to complete these projects. I remember the kids—all the kids—involved. There is no question students all over this country have added a dimension to this project that defines it. And these days when I get a chance to meet and occasionally work with kids visiting AMP, collaboration is so clearly the driving force behind every project. More than ever, when there is so much to do in this world to change direction, fix things, save the environment, and help so many who are food deprived or needing companionship—I come into AMP and feel we have some magic happening in this space. There is no question something special is happening here.