Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
September 2023

August was not the sleepy summer month I anticipated. AMP continues to move in exciting directions. The staff is busy making plans for fall programing and is looking ahead to 2024. As a group, we are excited as we discuss our favorite moments from this past year and decide what will be most fun for next summer. Michelle, Abigail, and Olivia continue to expand on program ideas for all ages, and now some of AMP’s adult visitors are asking if we might schedule a few similar programs for them. Why not?

 I have been working hard to finish the installation of the Washington project we did in 2012 with eight schools in DC. More than 800 kids were involved and each of them created their own silk-screen piece honoring a family member working in a government job. I am pulling the pieces out, one by one, and inserting them slowly into one major wall area in AMP’s back ramp gallery, which will draw people in behind the mural.

 As I climb higher on the ladder, drilling these assemblies into place, the whole space is transformed. All these three-dimensional pieces, full of color and light. Each one is special. All together they make up the most thrilling, collaborative work of art.

 I can’t wait for you to walk up the ramp and take all of this in. A giant part of AMP, with all these wonderful contributions from kids from all over the country, is still hidden from view behind the mural. But hopefully not for long. Get excited!