Habitat for Humanity Project

In 2008, AMP began work on a tribute to Habitat for Humanity. Volunteers on Habitat projects around the world sent building scraps from their projects, out of which Ellen created a 17’ x 10’ x 3’ representation of a gable under construction to incorporate into the mural.

Habitat volunteers have proven to be among our most creative participants in the mural project to date. We’ve received siding, wallboard, garden spades, T-squares, and the muddy cutoffs from a foundation pour, among other objects. People have signed, written notes, and painted elaborate designs on their donations.

Our informal finish to the project came in November 2012, at the HFH Youth Leadership Conference in Indianapolis. We took over half of the Marriott conference room, laid out four sections of 4’ x 8’ aluminum on sawhorses, and more than 800 kids drilled, sawed, bolted, and painted for two days, adding their contributions to all the others we have received.

To date, AMP has received more than 1,000 contributions from builds across the country, one of our most successful and fun collaborative projects since we started the mural.